Warren buffet once said, In the long run managements stressing accounting appearance over economic substance usually achieve little of either. And we definitely do not want...
By Admin, On DECEMBER 22, 2016
When small and mid-sized business owners start out, they do their best at maintaining the accounts. Later in order to focus on growing the business, bookkeeping for Healthcare Industry...
By Admin, On SEPTEMBER 22, 2016
While thinking about the post trade life cycle of your Hedge Funds, outsourcing shadow accounting has become a trade that assures automation, scalability, efficiency ...
By Admin, On AUGUST 15, 2016
Here's how management accountants and other CPA's can use something called an OODA Loop to their advantage. A fighter pilot flying a 13-ton F-16 in combat must make rapid decisions...
By Admin, On JUNE 7, 2016
Hire online payroll services wisely When you're running a business, you have two main choices for paying your employees: You can do it yourself, or you can hire a payroll service to do...
By Admin, On JUNE 3, 2016